Symphony Dynamic Ads


DealerOn, a marketing services platform serving car dealerships, wanted a way to help their clients capitalize on dynamic ads but struggled to do so, given the ever-changing nature of dealer inventories. We developed a WebApp that integrated with DealerOn's existing platform and allowed users to easily automate and optimize dynamic ads.

High Level Features:

  • Flexible templates
  • Integration with Symphony 
  • Support of ad customizer in Google Ads and catalog in Facebook
  • Automatic turn on/off of ad groups and ads depending on the offers managed by dealers in DealerOn platform


DealerOn provides a powerful platform for dealerships to manage their websites and offers. However, when activating those offers on Google and Facebook, they were limited by the features that off-the-shelf products offered. They needed something custom to meet their specific use case and needs.


We extended Chassis, our engine that powers automated actions and APIs, to integrate with their platform, and once dealerships opt-in to the additional service, their offers seamlessly produce dynamic ads on Google and Facebook with the flexibility defined by DealerOn specialists.


In four months, we delivered a custom platform written in their technology so their team can integrate Symphony with Google and Facebook while using Chassis as an engine.


Azure Cloud Computing
Microservices architecture
React js
Azure Cosmos DB
Chassis Engine